It is spring? I mean really, judging by some of the temperatures we’ve had in the area for Mardi Gras, it is really almost spring?

One sure fire way for determining the change of the season is daylight savings time. It is time to prepare for the annual day where we spring forward. This day will be Sunday morning March 10th at 2.
There are several ways to judge the annual event. Some will enjoy the longer daylight hours. The bad news is if you wake up early in the morning as I do, you’ll lose an hour of sleep which you will not get back until November.
But unless you have an analog clock, you won’t have to worry about manually switching anything since almost everyone’s phones, computers, and DVRs switch the time automatically. I will admit, I hate going around my house changing the clocks and I normally do this chore before bed on Saturday.
Hopefully, this change will help bring in warmer weather.