Foster the Love 5K and Fun Run is a fundraiser to benefit Foster the Love Louisiana. The organization is a nonprofit, dedicated to kids in foster care, and the families fostering them. The event is this Saturday, May 13th. The Fun Run starts at 8 am in the River Ranch Town Square. The 5K is at 8:30.
Awards will be presented at the end of the race. Foster parents will be recognized. $30.00 registration ends Thursday at 11:59. pm. Late and race day registration is $35.00, $25.00 each for teams of 4 or more. Age groups are 18 and under, 19-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69 & 70+.
Packets can be picked up at 411 Verot School Rd. Friday, from 1 -6 pm, and at the race at 7:30 am.
Source: Racemob