How to Spring Clean Your Life This Season

It’s spring again. A great time of year to declutter, reorganize, and refocus. With the season of renewal now in full swing, we turned to four experts to give us tips on spring cleaning four important areas of our lives—our diet, our fitness regimen, our mind, and of course our home. Are you ready to start cleaning? Let’s go!


Replace it with foods that are healthy and wholesome. And don’t think that you have to give up snacking. Just swap the junk food for raw nuts and seeds, fruit, hummus with raw vegetables, and whole grain crackers. Replace soda and juice with unsweetened tea and water—which you can add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (ACV) to an 8-ounce glass once a day. ACV is good for digestion; helps keep your blood sugar under control, and can help you lose weight.


Try to make it fun. Add a dance class for more cardio or beef up your weight training by adding a timed circuit routine. I also encourage people to set a list of preliminary goals that lead to one final fitness goal. For example, if want to lose 50 pounds, then create a realistic timeline, and work toward achieving that goal. Tracking your progress via journal or video blog is another way to help you stay motivated, recognize your accomplishments, and identify areas where you’ve remained stagnant or plateaued.


To declutter our minds and relieve stress and anxiety, we need to do more self- care and find time to center and calm ourselves. We are busy doing things for other people but we don’t prioritize ourselves first. Self-care can be anything from having a regular exercise routine, getting enough sleep, and meditating, which allows us to focus on the present moment and not worry about what possibly could happen in the future. We should also try to unplug and step away from our electronic devices. Being plugged into all the information that we have at our fingertips all the time can lead to stress.


It’s also about purging and sorting through items you might not get to on a regular basis. Hit the three main areas first, your kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom, and then move on to the other areas of your home. Clutter and mess weighs us down and can be stressful and overwhelming. So once you’ve completed your spring-cleaning, you’re going to have a sense of accomplishment, a feeling of being more in control of your space and more at peace. It will definitely enhance your mood make you feel lighter and brighter.


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