Sports betting is immenseley popular, and there are lots of ways to bet. you can bet at the track, casino, or online. It’s a multi billion dollar industry. Anytime there’s money involved, someone will try to steal it. The Better Business Bureau warns of a handicapping scam.
You may encounter an online ad, or email, from someone representing themself as an experienced handicapper who consistently picks winners. The scammer will claim to have inside information. They may even offer a money back guarantee. Don’t fall for it. You won’t get your money back on losing bets. That’s not how gambling works.
The Better Business Bureau has received many reports of sports betting scams.
They offer these tips:
1: Avoid handicappers. They’re not interested in making you money. Once you buy their picks, your money is gone.
2: If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is.
3: Don’t be seduced by tempting ads.
For more information: https://www.bbb.org/article/scams/8767-bbb-tips-10-steps-to-avoid-scams
Source: BBB