For those who don’t know, outside of radio, I also work for the city government. We’ve been extremely hectic as of late due to the sudden historic flooding. We’ve been working longer hours and even weekends trying to ensure that everyone has what they need to get back on track and in their homes. This occurrence took place after yet another long and tiring day at the office. It touched my heart, so I wanted to share with you.❤️
We were closed BUT someone still let the man that was outside in. Of course, I’m ready to go and of course, he came to my window. I hardly cracked a smile.😐 “Yes sir?” He put down his coffee and leaned on my counter like he was tired. Then with the biggest genuine smile, he asked, How I was doing…said he liked my hair…asked how I made out during the storm? I replied, short answers of course cuz I’m ready to go.😐 “How can I help you?” He said, my daughter told me to come here and get a permit for the damage in my house…from the flood. Girl, we lost the whole thing but thank God my daughter found us one of the last rooms in town.
I felt so guilty and stupid that I almost got upset over 10 extra minutes of my time, knowing I’m going home to a clean, dry, air conditioned (kid-free😉) home and he has nothing. He is tired. He’s lost everything and he is still positive and thankful and most of all kind.
So I checked myself, right then and there. I decided I’d be a little bit of happiness and joy for him if only for those few minutes. I helped him…ohhh, I helped him good! I told him I was sorry and I wished there was more I could do for him. He told me I’d done enough, staying behind and being patient with him. He took my card and said he was writing a letter of praise to my supervisor about me. Me, who was so ready to go.😔
I didn’t cry in front of him(I’m too gangsta for that,duh) but when he left, I cried for my own selfishness, because I really wish I could do more for him, because I might have acted the same ungrateful way tomo had he not come in today. He thanked me on his way out and said God bless you but it is he who I thanked for showing me kindness, gratefulness, compassion and most of all unknowingly giving me a dose of humility.
God’s ALWAYS got a way of humbling us. I got my dose today.🙌
*gets off my soapbox*
Let us not forget to be humble, always grateful and most of all kind. Someone is always fighting a battle we know nothing about.❤️ #floodthelove
[email protected] #plzsaythemiss