Impersonators have been using social media to scam people for several years. There’s a new twist. Scammers will text you using a spoofed caller ID. Messages will show up as someone you know, like “Mom” or “Dad.”
The scam artist will send a message, stating an excuse such as “stranded at the store and forgot debit card”, or some other financial emergency. Don’t be fooled! Check the number to see if it matches the contact information you have for that person.
Another thing to check is the text thread. If there are no previous conversations, it’s a scam. If the wording of the message is unusual for that individual, that’s another red flag.
For more information: https://www.bbb.org/all/spot-a-scam/how-to-spot-a-phony-text-message
Source: BBB Serving Acadiana