It’s December 13th as I hunt and peck on my computer keyboard to type this. The math is simple. There are 12 days till Christmas. So, these are the 12 days of Christmas, right?…WRONG! The 12 days of Christmas actually commence on December 25th. We all know the song. “On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me”…
That day is December 2th. January 6th is the 12th night of Christmas, the celebration of the epiphany. The celebration commemorates the visit of the Magi. That’s why King Cakes have babies in them. 12th night is also the commencement of Carnival, commonly referred to as Mardi Gras season. Mardi – Gras, “Fat Tuesday” is actually the end of the season. The tradition of “Fat Tuesday” comes from using up the fat in the home before the onset of the Lenten season on Ash Wednesday.
Merry Christmas!