Plan to attend special events to honor the legacy of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. The civil rights leader and minister won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. The national holiday, which takes place on the third Monday of January each year, serves as a day of remembrance for King, who was killed in Memphis in 1968. This year, it will be celebrated on Monday, Jan. 17. Some events have been cancelled and scaled back or will be virtual due to the continued spread of the corona virus.
In Lafayette the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday committee will be hosting their living the dream event, Monday at the King Center 309 Cora Street. The flag raising is at 8:30. The Prayer Breakfast at 8:45 with guest speaker Chancellor John K. Pierre of the Southern University Law Center. The evening commemorative program is a 6 pm with guest speaker The honorable retired Justice Bernette J. Johnson. Who served on the Louisiana Supreme Court.
The MLK committee members encourages safe attendance and participation with all the scheduled activities in Lafayette and the surrounding communities. Wearing of a mask/and or face covering during indoor activities and events is encouraged.
In Opelousas Holy Ghost Catholic Church is hosting the 40th annual Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration and Memorial with a parade followed by a program at 2 pm at the Holy Ghost Church Life Center on Monday, January 17.
The parade will begin at 1:00 p.m. (line up time 12 noon) and the procession will begin from the South City Park, north on Market St., and disband at Holy Ghost Parish Life Center where the program will immediately follow the parade. An extended invitation goes out to the past and present MLK recipients and church organizations. Keynote speaker will be Representative Dustin Miller, District 40. For more information please contact Rebecca Henry at 337-945-5064.
In Evangeline parish the community will celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and honor Barbara Thomas for her hard work and dedication to the Evangeline Parish Martin Luther King, Jr. Foundation Committee for over 20 years. The release will be held at Gloria Frank Park in Ville Platte.