Nadia vents a little…

If you come across a person who is reading a book, writing in a book, watching a video on their phone or just fully engaged in anything at all, and you do more than just say hello, I promise you, you’re aggravating them.
I remember when I was a teenager, riding the Metro  in Maryland. I’d bring a book to read to make the trips seem shorter and of course more nadia shakes her headentertaining. And one of my biggest annoyances were when people (usually men) would sit next to me and ask stupid question after stupid question, “ah ya readin huh?” [no sweetie I’m holding this book in hopes to get your attention. Score!]
Now i have Netflix, I watch it on my phone and computer, and it doesn’t matter where I am or who I’m around, apparently loud dialogue coming from my device does not seem to denote that my attention is on my device, not on your long winded stories or questions, I’m trying to watch my movie! aaaarrrrrggggg!
I even try to give off simple subtleties like blatantly pausing my device every time they talk… they don’t stop talking lol   Or I try placing my book mark in my book, placing it down in my lap and looking them directly in the face to answer their question, then every time I finish responding, I go back to reading my book. Somehow, nothing about that says, “I’m engaged in this damn plot and not interested in talking to you because talking to you was not a part of my original plan!!!!!”
Hey, you can label me as being anti-social or selfish, but it doesn’t matter because I’m still going to feel the way I do.  Don’t like it? Get a book or subscribe to Netflix!  I did 🙂